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When we drive – we know what our cars can do, and we know where our blind spots are. But do you know the extent of your personal power? And do you know where your professional blind spots are?
Many people do not really know themselves. Carter Cast, professor of business management for the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University says we have “blind spots because most of us have a hard time being objective about ourselves.” In fact, 95% of us BELIEVE we are self-aware. Research, however, proves that only 15% of us are ACTUALLY self-aware.
Isn’t it time to truly identify your personal strengths and blind spots?
About Scott: Scott is the Executive Director of IQC and has worked and consulted in manufacturing, technology, education, and health care industries for over 30 years. In his professional career he held roles such as QA Manager, CI Manager, Organizational Development, Human Resources, SVP Quality & Improvement, and Chief Improvement Officer. Scott is a lifelong learner, professor, speaker and author of multiple books, articles and journal publications. As a Master Black Belt and creator of The DMAIC Way®, his goal is for everyone to Make it Better! Make it Stick!
His website: