When describing the methodology of a kaizen or kaikaku event, I often break it up into two main types:
- Working session – traditional approach where 80% of the work is implemented during the 2-5 day event
- Planning session – process mapping approach where the team generates a 90-day action plan during the 2-5 day event
I explain the differences and when to use each type, along with describing how projects and point kaizen (or kaizen blitz/burst activities) fit within these activities.
- What is Kaikaku?
- Video of Kaizen Planning Event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYsn0X0EVRI
- Video of Kaizen Working Event (within a larger 8-week project): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EedMmMedj3M
- Video of Kaizen Blitz or Point Kaizen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA1ddcXfqM0
- BIZ-PI.com
- Creative Safety Supply
- Have a question? Submit a voice message at Anchor.fm
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