Register now (or to view the recording after Oct 12):
October 21 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET
Presented by
Sarah Baker, Consultant & Facilitator, IQC
In this webinar you will:
- Understand the important components of buy-in
- Learn the 4-step process to get buy-in
- Reflect on the challenges and benefits of buy-in that relates to you
Sarah Baker
Sarahis a Consultant & Facilitator at IQC. She has an MSin Industrial andOrganizational Psychology and a BA inPhilosophy and Psychology. Sarahchallenges and inspiresothers to think critically and shift toward moreeffectiveperspectives. Her thoughtfulness, enthusiasm, and passionforlearning support her in providing excellent work. As afacilitator, she usesphilosophy and psychology techniquesto inspire growth and excellence.
Areasof Expertise:Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology,Philosophy,PersonalLeadership,LeadershipDevelopment, Curriculum Design, andFacilitation