The Edges of Lean — Ep 69 Continuously Improving Your LinkedIn Profile with Daniel Alfon


Continuously Improving Your LinkedIn Profile with Daniel Alfon

When I first created my LinkedIn account, I added my name, and a nice picture and uploaded my resume.  It turns out, for those of us who work as consultants and coaches, those resumes on LinkedIn don’t do much to help us connect with clients.  Daniel Alfon is a LinkedIn expert, and he blew my mind with his insights in this conversation. Note: I updated my LinkedIn page live as we recorded the show. So, for the full effect, check out this episode on YouTube.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for career growth and finding new positions. It’s a great way to get connected with people who can help you grow, and it’s also great at helping you find new connections. When, like so many lean and continuous improvement professionals, you strike out as an independent consultant, you need to use LinkedIn differently.

About Daniel John

Daniel is the author of Build a LinkedIn Profile for Business Success. Daniel joined LinkedIn in early 2004 and publishes articles, interviews, and exclusive content about advanced LinkedIn strategies to clients and subscribers on his website,



  • 0:02 Continually improving your LinkedIn profile with Daniel Alfon.
  • 2:06 Daniel’s LinkedIn profile as a way to connect with customers.
  • 7:36 Who’s your ideal reader on LinkedIn?
  • 12:55 How to make it easier for people to reach you on LinkedIn.
  • 17:40 How to make your LinkedIn experience section easier for people to understand.
  • 23:04 How to streamline your LinkedIn profile to be more aligned with what you’d like to do.
  • 24:47 How to make it easier for people to reach you. 
  • 30:20 Do we need a massive network? Or do we need a focused network?
  • 32:07 Make sure that your credentials speak for themselves.
  • 33:42 Why you need to increase your social media presence to get more exposure.
  • 35:30 How to use LinkedIn’s new “Add a Link” feature to your profile.
  • 38:27 The importance of having a social media profile.
  • 40:39 How do you find out who you can connect with?



  • When a prospective employer, searches for you on Google. LinkedIn will be the first one to appear in the search. 
  • One of the main advantages of having a robust LinkedIn profile is that even if you are not looking for a new position it’s a way for you to be engaged with your industry.
  • When you want to create a business, consider your LinkedIn profile to be a website for your ideal prospect to find and contact you.
  • Provide content in your LinkedIn profile.
  • Remember to stay in touch with your connections at school when you build your LinkedIn profile. People don’t like it when we just connect and talk to them when we need them. 


Memorable Quotes from Daniel Alfon


“ People don’t like it when we only remember them when we need them.