Mark Graban and Dr. Greg Jacobson answer questions from our KaiNexus Community:
– What’s your favorite college football team?
– How to integrate the culture in a change resistant environment?
– How do you deal with culture change? Lean is a new way of doing business. People have to change their ways to become process and problem solvers. Top management has to come from behind their desks to work with the people on the shop floor or gemba. This is a big paradigm shift for any company. Culture change must be addressed before any Lean tools can be used effectively.
– What are some best practices for shifting the culture in an organization?
– How do companies get hundreds or thousands of ideas from their employees annually?
– Is it okay for a leader to apologize? Is it taken as a sign of weakness?
– What is the best way to get a job in the process improvement, Kaizen, or cultural fields?
– What’s the next conference you’re attending?