KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Podcast — Panel: Cultivating a Culture of Learning from Mistakes

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Kym Guiliotti, Director of Product
Greg Jacobson, Co-founder & CEO
Maggie Millard, VP of Customer Experience
Linda Vicaro, Senior Lean Strategist
Moderated by:
Mark Graban, Senior Advisor

As KaiNexus co-founder and CEO Greg Jacobson, MD says, “You can’t have a culture of continuous improvement without learning from mistakes.”
Join us for a panel discussion featuring five KaiNexians who will share stories and reflections about cultivating a culture of psychological safety, where people feel safe to speak up about mistakes (or other opportunities for improvement) and also feel safe to try improvements and innovations.
The panel is being moderated by Mark Graban, who has been a senior advisor to KaiNexus since 2011. He loves talking about mistakes in his podcast “My Favorite Mistake” and also wrote (and published) a new book that includes stories from KaiNexus: “The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation.”
If you attend the live session, you'll also be able to ask questions about our lessons learned about cultivating a culture at KaiNexus and how this might benefit you, your team, and your organization.