Presented by Scott Burgmeyer, Executive Director – IQC
In this preview, Scott is joined by Mark Graban of KaiNexus, to discuss his upcoming webinar.
Companies, teams, and individuals work tirelessly to figure out how to change and build a culture focused on performance, improvement, and delivering excellence to the customer. During this session, we will explore methods to define and create a culture of improvement that can work in any organization. Learn and understand approaches for improvement. Discover best practice methods to improve how you improve. Identify key steps you can take to start on the journey now. Scott is the Executive Director of IQC and has worked and consulted in manufacturing, technology, education, and health care industries for over 30 years. In his professional career, he held roles such as QA Manager, CI Manager, Organizational Development, Human Resources, SVP Quality & Improvement, and Chief Improvement Officer. Scott is a lifelong learner, professor, speaker and author of multiple books, articles and journal publications. As a Master Black Belt and creator of The DMAIC Way®, his goal is for everyone to Make it Better! Make it Stick!