Leading to Learn with Katie Anderson: Author Interview with Elisabeth Swan: Picture Yourself a Leader

I am so thrilled to be welcoming Elizabeth Swan to my author interview series.

Elizabeth and I became fast friends after she joined me on my 2019 Japan study tour. I have been so excited to see Elizabeth start writing this book, and now publishing it, and to be part of the journey.

On top of that, Elizabeth was an important part of my writing journey too. She was on my editorial board when I was writing Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn. She read an early version of the manuscript and gave me some really helpful feedback, so I was honored to be able to do the same thing for her, for her new book Picture Yourself a Leader, Illustrated Micro-Lessons in Navigating Change.

I invite you to enjoy – and learn from – our discussion on the process of writing and creating books, the impact of having an attitude towards caring and intention, and the importance of learning from failure – plus much more.

Our interview questions:

  1. How did you come up with the idea for a book? And then how did you think about the structure of the book? (4:30)
  2. What are some things that you learned through the process of creating the book? (6:26)
  3. What is one of your favorite stories or lessons in the book? (12:23)
  4. What was a story that got a lot of responses that surprised you? (19:35)
  5. What has been one of the most helpful practices that you have personally discovered and incorporated into your leadership approach? (26:35)
  6. What is a question that you haven’t, or are not usually asked about the book? What is that question? And what’s your answer? (28:45)