The Lean Solutions Podcast: Lean Construction with Kevin Gausch

In this episode of The Lean Solutions Podcast, Kevin Gausch and I discuss lean applied in different industries. Specifically, the construction industry. His knowledge and stories help explain how lean can be applied outside manufacturing when practitioners truly understand the principles of continuous improvement.

About the Guest:

As a Certified Manager of Quality and Organizational Excellence through ASQ with a focus on the construction industry, Kevin has set himself apart as an expert in quality management. In the past 30 years, his experience includes Quality and Project Management in the utility contractor space and the construction industry. He’s worked hands-on across all areas, from foreman to the c-suite, and witnessed the difference that technology can make to help working teams get better every day. Skilled in managing complicated processes that involve many stakeholders, Kevin’s global team is dedicated to sharing their hands-on experience to drive success in digital transformation and ultimately raise the bar for frontline teams.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How do you apply lean principles in construction?
  • Best practices and tips and tricks for lean process improvement in operations
  • The role of technology and digitization in lean process improvement.
  • The impact of technology on process effectiveness.


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