I’ve been intrigued by the “Lean Startup” movement since I first saw Eric Ries speak at MIT back in late 2009. I’ve read his book The Lean Startup, have attended a bunch of the conferences (speaking at two of them – see video of one). I’ve interviewed Eric on my podcast series (listen here and here).There’s a lot to learn and apply in life and at KaiNexus. I’m by no means an expert in Lean Startup approaches… but at the core, Lean is Lean. Eric gives credit to Taiichi Ohno in his book (and listen to us discuss that here).
I’m excited to have been named a “faculty member” to help plan thisyear’s Lean Startup Conference, to be held in San Francisco this November. My role is to help identify and recruit speakers to talk about “traditional Lean” — the universal Lean philosophies and management practices that apply in factories, healthcare, startups, etc. Sort of like what John Shook talked about last year. So, I hope to see you there!
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