Episode page: https://leanblog.org/447
My guest for Episode #447 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Lauren Hisey.
Lauren is a Continuous Business Process Improvement consultant, coach, trainer, and speaker. She specializes in helping business owners and leaders from mid-size organizations uncover and solve their business problems with Continuous Business Process Improvement (Lean, Six Sigma, etc.). She helps your business and organization become simpler… faster… BETTER.
Today, we discuss topics and questions including:
- Why is it important not to jump to solutions with technology (Robotic Process Automation, AI, Machine Learning, or the new Hyper automation)?
- What is RPA?
- What do you mean by “digital transformation”?
- Bridging the gap – people, process, and technology
- Don’t automate a bad process
- Why should you start with Value Stream mapping and then process mapping the current state and future state?
- VSM vs. process maps? Differences?
- Current state observation vs. future state creation?
- Virtual suggestion box situation – technology adoption?
- Virtual Gemba walks?
- Why are Gemba walks so important with understanding the current state and then the future state?
- Putting two things together — Lean transformation and digital transformation?
The podcast is sponsored by Stiles Associates, now in their 30th year of business. They are the go-to Lean recruiting firm serving the manufacturing, private equity, and healthcare industries. Learn more.
This podcast is part of the #LeanCommunicators network.