Lean Blog Interviews — 361: Ask Docs Anything on Covid-19 / Coronavirus



Episode #361 of the podcast is admittedly not about Lean, but it’s an important topic that I think needs to be shared in these times.


I’m sharing audio that came from a KaiNexus webinar yesterday that we called “Ask Docs Anything” and the topic was, of course, coronavirus and Covid-19. We put out a call for questions and got more than 100 questions for our customers and our community.


For the webinar, we focused the questions mainly on personal health and things you can (or must) do to protect your families and others in society. If you’d rather read synopsis answers to the questions, you can do so here. The video of the session is also embedded in that page, or it’s also available through YouTube.


You can also find more links to resources, articles, and information through this page.