KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Podcast — Dr. Greg Jacobson’s “Favorite Mistakes”

Today is a special cross-posting of an episode of “My Favorite Mistake,” hosted by Mark Graban and featuring our CEO, Greg Jacobson.

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Show notes and more: https://www.markgraban.com/dr-greg-jacobson-on-juggling-life-and-being-both-an-emergency-physician-and-a-startup-ceo/

Joining me for Episode #31 is Dr. Greg Jacobson, an emergency medicine physician and the CEO/co-founder of KaiNexus, a technology and software company. In the interest of full disclosure, I will mention that I have worked with KaiNexus, in various capacities, since 2011 and I have an ownership stake in the company.

That said, Greg is one of the most interesting people you’ll ever meet. Many startup CEOs launch their company at night while working their day job. Greg started KaiNexus during the days while working some nights as an E.R. doc.

In today’s episode, Greg (always the overachiever) shares FIVE favorite mistakes from his career:

  1. Not reading more
  2. Not figuring out work/life balance
  3. Struggling with the diffusion of CEO attention as the company grows
  4. Not being appreciative enough
  5. Not doing his own due diligence

We’ll talk about all of that, the importance of creating a culture of continuous improvement in a company, and much more. I think you’ll enjoy the conversation, as I did.