Leading to Learn with Katie Anderson: Author Interview with Mark Graban: The Mistakes That Make Us

Dive into my discussion with my longtime colleague and friend Mark Graban about his new book The Mistakes That Make Us.

Mark is a longtime friend and colleague (about a decade and a half at the time of this interview) and we’ve collaborated on writing books, hosting each other on our podcasts, making (and learning from) mistakes, and learning how to be better leaders and humans. You can read more in the full blog here: https://kbjanderson.com/author-interview-with-mark-graban

We discuss various topics including:

  • Driving continuous improvement in organizations
  • The benefits of having a culture of learning from mistakes
  • The impact of a culture where learning from mistakes is not embraced (I share a personal story of experiencing a medical error)
  • The role of kindness in leadership
  • Plus much more!