My latest book, The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation, is turning one year old!
Join me, along with my co-host Elisabeth Swan, for what we hope will be an engaging, insightful, and fun discussion about learning from mistakes. We'll be joined by special surprise guests who will share their unique perspectives and experiences. This isn't just a one-way broadcast–it's an interactive session where we'll conduct live polls and open the virtual floor to your questions, ensuring a dynamic and participative environment.
View this page and click “Attend” to be reminded of this when it starts. A recording will also be available on LinkedIn and my YouTube channel.
Mistakes are a universal experience, and what truly matters is how we learn from them. Together, we will explore ways to improve our ability to learn from mistakes, both as individuals and as organizations. My goal is to uncover practical strategies that can be applied in various contexts to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
We also have a special reason to celebrate. The Mistakes That Make Us is marking its first anniversary/birthday on June 30th. However, since that falls on a Sunday, and let's face it, who wants to be on LinkedIn on a Sunday? I've decided to move the celebration to Friday, June 28th. This will give us the perfect opportunity to not only discuss the themes of the book but also to celebrate its impact over the past year.
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