Today, our topic is something that I’ve really taken an interest in the past two years: “Motivational Interviewing.” See my past blog posts on this subject. I think it’s a powerful methodology that will help anybody in their Lean transformation efforts… as well as our work engaging anybody in a small improvement. “Motivational Interviewing” or M.I. is defined by Miller and Rollnick (in their seminal book) as a “collaborative conversation for strengthening a person’s own motivation and commitment to change.” My guests for Episode 292 are the three co-authors of an excellent book, Motivational Interviewing for Leadership: MI-LEAD. They are (pictured from left to right in this order): Jason Wilcox, Director of Education and Connected Care at VA Roseburg Dr. Brian Kersh, Clinical Psychologist at New Mexico VA Health System Dr. Elizabeth Jenkins, Clinical Psychologist/Courtesy Assistant Professor at University of South Florida