Lean Blog Interviews — 358: Steve Spear on Evolving our Knowledge and Learning on #Lean



Returning to the podcast for Episode #358 is Steve Spear, a senior lecturer at MIT and author of the book The High-Velocity Edge: How Market Leaders Leverage Operational Excellence to Beat the Competition. He’s also the founder and co-creator of a software company and product called See to Solve.


He’s also the author of two outstanding Harvard Business Review articles: “Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System” and “Fixing Healthcare from the Inside, Today,” both of which we’ll discuss today. One of the themes for this episode is the evolution of knowledge. What does that mean for a company and what does that mean for an esteemed researcher and professor like Steve?


Steve has a BS in economics from Princeton University, an MA in management and an MS in mechanical engineering from MIT, and a PhD from Harvard Business School. He was previously a guest in episodes #58, 87, and 262. I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!