The HR Social Hour Half Hour Podcast — 144: HRSocialHour Wonder Women Episode 15 – Wendy & Anne talk to Stephanie Ghoston Paul

In the first HR Wonder Women episode of 2020, Wendy & Anne talk to Stephanie Ghoston Paul. She is a speaker, author, coach and now a podcaster! Her new podcast is Take Nothing When I Die, please subscribe & follow. She talks about the importance of being inclusive first before working on a diverse workforce. She challenges us to look at our biases so when you do bring in a diverse workforce, they can bring their whole self to work. She also challenges to look at the privileges we are holding on to and think about how we might be able to lift up marginalized voices. And she has some great networking advice for introverts! 
Stephanie recommends following
Vilissa Thompson
Minda Harts
Sarah Morgan
Layla F Saad and the Good Ancestor podcast
Tatiana Mac
Find Stephanie online at Cultivated Sense.