The Lean Solutions Podcast: Applying CI To Our Personal Lives

What You’ll Learn:

In this episode, hosts Patrick Adams and Andy Olrich discuss coaching and personal growth, highlighting the importance of iterations and experimentation in learning, emphasizing the need to focus on others rather than oneself in coaching practices. 

Everyone, regardless of position or expertise, shares common struggles and the importance of normalizing vulnerability and seeking support within professional communities is essential to success.

About the Guest:  

Sam Morgan is a self-proclaimed “confident learner.” After spending the past five years of work in the continuous improvement space he landed at KataCon, a conference for continuous improvement professionals who practice the Toyota Kata. There he had a powerful moment realizing where his true passion lies: transforming people through coaching. Ever since then he has been on a mission to help folks illuminate who they really are, what they were created to do, and give them the confidence to live it out through the powerful practice of daily coaching. Sam helps change the lives of people through the process of uncovering their PURPOSE, helping them understand the PATTERN of the Improvement Kata, tied together through the PRACTICE of daily coaching cycles. Sam takes joy in seeing his clients move from fearful to fearless; from insecure to confident. He resonates deeply with the quote from Henry David Thoreau, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.”


⁠Click Here For Andy Olrich’s LinkedIn

⁠⁠⁠⁠Click Here For Patrick Adam’s LinkedIn⁠⁠

⁠⁠Click Here for Sam Morgan’s LinkedIn⁠⁠

Click Here for Sam Morgan’s Website

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