The Lean Solutions Podcast: Prioritizing The Wrong Work

What You’ll Learn:

In this episode, hosts Catherine McDonald and Andy Olrich discuss how prioritizing the wrong work can hamper growth and stifle development within


By embracing a culture of continuous improvement, regularly reassessing priorities, and leveraging Lean Six Sigma tools, teams can navigate away from misaligned tasks and toward impactful endeavors, ensuring both
organizational success and individual fulfillment.


About the Guest: 

Emma Bint is the Managing Director of High CI Ltd.
Graduating with a Master of Laws degree, and two post graduate certificates in leadership, Emma went on to certify as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and found her passion for Continuous Improvement. For the last 12 years, she has had extensive CI experience working in the service side of Lean such as customer service, sales, after sales, administration, operations, finance, logistics and
shared services. Emma has worked for global oganizations, leading her own team of CI, OpEx and RPA specialists, but also used her CI skills to help develop
leadership teams, transform processes, and create functional CI strategies for growth and culture change. Her experience has culminated in setting up a new company which provides professional continuous improvement solutions known as High CI Ltd.



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Click Here For Emma Bint’s YouTube Channel

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Emma Bint’s Website

⁠⁠Click Here For Catherine McDonald’s LinkedIn⁠

⁠Click Here For Andy Olrich’s LinkedIn⁠


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