The Lean Solutions Podcast: Dr. Deming and Japan with John Willis
In this episode, John Willis and I discuss his upcoming book as well as key moments from our recent trip to Japan. What You'll Learn: 1.) John's upcoming book about …
In this episode, John Willis and I discuss his upcoming book as well as key moments from our recent trip to Japan. What You'll Learn: 1.) John's upcoming book about …
In this episode, Mark Graban and I discuss the value that comes from making mistakes and how learning from our mistakes is effective in lean culture. What You'll Learn: 1. …
In this episode, David Larsen and I discuss respect for people, and CI in the office. What You’ll Learn: 1. Share about your professional journey and background. 2. Tell me …
In this episode, Ovidiu Contras and I discuss tangled environments and how to work through them effectively. What You'll Learn: 1. What’s your Lean career path? 2. What’s a tangled …
In this episode, Paul Dunlop and I discuss the value of visual management and the effectiveness of an SQCD board. What You'll Learn: 1. What is the value of visual …
In this episode, The Lean Solutions Podcast host Patrick Adams discusses the ingredients necessary to fuel a mighty flame of continuous improvement in an organization as well as his book …
In this episode, Chad Bareither and I discuss the importance of a continuous improvement mindset. What You'll Learn: What is continuous improvement? Is a continuous improvement mindset anchored more in …
In this episode, Tom Passaro and I discuss him and his team's early lean journey, and the challenges and wins they have experienced. What You'll Learn: 1. Tell us about …
In this episode, Matthew Singh and I discuss PI initiatives and programs as well as positively influencing culture. What You'll Learn: 1. What do you think are some important elements …
In this episode, Ken Segel and I discuss the importance of continuous improvement principles as they apply to patient care. What You'll Learn: 1. Can you tell me a little …