Habitual Excellence — 62: Conversation With Vickie Pisowicz on The Value Capture Way and Her New Role

Welcome to Episode #62 of Habitual Excellence, presented by Value Capture.

Episode page: htps://www.valuecapturellc.com/he62

Joining us today as our guest is Vickie Pisowicz, from Value Capture. She has been a Senior Advisor with the firm and its clients and she also has a new role that we’ll talk about today, as Director of the Value Capture Way and Advisory Development.

In today’s episode, Vickie talks about the role, what it means to have a “way” and what the “Value Capture Way” entails.

Host Mark Graban also asks Vickie questions and discusses topics including:

  • What is the Value Capture Way? Codifying that?
  • Values and principles are long standing, methods can improve… codifying doesn’t mean fossilizing
  • Advisory – advisors or trusted advisors vs. consultants — What do those terms mean to you?
  • What will this mean for clients, both current and future?
  • Learning at the fastest possible rate, meeting their needs

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