KaiNexus Continuous Improvement Podcast — SharePoint vs Continuous Improvement Software

When you started on your improvement journey, you may not realize it, but you actually already made a technology decision. I bet you probably managed the work in spreadsheets and bulletin boards – these are technology! Now that you are starting to engage more people in it, though, I bet that you are finding that it is hard to get the visibility you need to spread that culture efficiently and make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Your technology needs an upgrade.

You could theoretically use Dropbox and a folder structure to manage critical components of your business – say, for example, your medical records or accounting transactions – but I promise you, no one is putting their organizations at risk like that. They use software built specifically for the business issue you are dealing with.

It continues to baffle me that organizations do not take improvement software as seriously as they take their accounting platform or their medical records system.